Folklore im Nikolaus-Palast

Eine beeindruckende Vorstellung in der ehemaligen Residenz der Mitglieder der Zarenfamilie.
Die Vorstellung dauert ca. 2 Std. mit der Pause, waehrend der Pause wird Bueffett angeboten (Kleinigkeiten: Canapes mit Kaviar, Schinken, Kaese, Saft, Sekt, Wodka - alles in kleinen Mengen) - Sonderpreis 30 Euro/Person (Standardpreis: 37 Euro/Person).

Those "mysterious" Russians
Even during our brief visits to foreign countries we are looking for the opportunity of experiencing different culture. Moreover, there are even "obligatory" sights of visiting such as Eifel Tower in Paris, Big Ben and Tower in London.

Now imagine yourself in St.Petersburg - the most "European" of all Russian cities.

How to get acquaintance with the unique culture of this country? What shall a foreign visitor do, if his time in St.Petersburg is limited, and he would like to try so many different things - ranging from national cuisine - to "mysterious Russian heart"?

Is there any chance for a foreigner to feel himself Russian?

Our answer is YES! This is a unique opportunity - folk show "Feel Yourself Russian" at the Nikolaevsky Palace!

In the very center of St.Petersburg, just in 10-munite walk from the Hermitage and 3-minute walk from the famous St.Isaak Cathedral one can see a beautiful palace - a real masterpiece of architecture of the second half of the XIXth century - Nikolaevsky Palace. Built by a gifted architect Andrey Schtakenshneider for Grand Duke Nikolay, a son of the Emperor Nikolay I, this place will fully meet your highest cultural expectations. Nowadays this Palace is in TOP-100 list of the most valuable and preserved by state monuments such as Kreml and the Hermitage.

Folk Show
Passing the entrance (beautifully renovated) to the Palace you will find yourself in the lobby - with its fabulous gala stairs leading to the Concert Hall and other beautifully renovated halls of the Palace. Courteous cavalier and elegant ladies in crinolines will greet you on the stairs showing you the way and making you forget the time. Beautiful melodies of the past performed by a professional musical quartet will give you impression that you are simply traveling through centuries: and this is just a beginning!

Now it''s time to show you something REALLY RUSSIAN! Here in a cozy and nicely decorated Concert Hall of the Nikolaevsky Palace we will give you more than just an opportunity to see unforgettable folk show performance "Feel Yourself Russian": you will not only FEEL involved - you will BE really involved! During two hours of this dynamic colorful and pictureous show, you will hear tuneful folk songs - romantic, and full of life, watch sparkling dances of different provinces of Russia, - and learn that some items - such as saws, wooden spoons, and other traditional household appliances, - can also be used as musical instruments! And - oh, miracle! - suddenly you will find yourself right on the stage dancing like a real Russian, playing folk games and enjoying yourself!

The folk show is represented with 4 professional folk groups: "Peters Quartet", "Souvenir", "Maidan", "Stars of St.Petersburg".

The show consists of two parts (45 minutes each) and lasts for 1 hour 50 minutes including a break, during which the guests are offered some canapes with red caviar, cheese, ham, and also some fruit, champagne, red wine, vodka, juice and mineral water. During a break - live music is playing, beauties in crinolines are dancing for you - and candle light reflected in your glass gives your wine the color of a precious stone:What a nice thing to be a guest of Grand Duke!

When the show is over you leave the palace keeping unique experience: now you know what is it - to feel like a Grand Duke, like a Cossack, maybe even like a Tsar - in the other words - to feel yourself Russian!

Folk Show
"Peters Quartet" is a vocal quartet. Classical performance of folk songs, lyrical romances and Russian Orthodox hymns.

"The Souvenir" is a folk instrument trio. The three skillful musicians brilliantly perform folk compositions. Besides the accordion and balalaika, which are traditional for Russia, some rare and even exotic musical instruments are used by this group. You will be astonished to hear traditional Russian folk melodies, performed with objects not normally used for music-making. These amazing performances are full of humor and show high professional of musicians, their ability to transform simple things into real wonder.

"Maidan" is a Cossack song-and-dance group formed in 1992 by the honored artist V.Drachev. The name of the group gets its origin from the place, where all Cossacks used to assemble in older times and where decisions were made "by the whole world". The group skillfully reproduces on stage Cossack songs and dances in their original form.

"The Stars of St.Petersburg" is a dance group. The dancers are graduated from leading schools of choreography in Russia. Its repertoire covers lyrical dances of the Russian North, fiering dances of the Cossacks from the Don and Voronezh, dancing miniatures of the Urals and Siberia with their subtle humor. Spectators of all ages and tastes will be able to appreciate not only the ability of the performers to bring Russian national color to the stage, but also their highest skills, complexity of acrobatic feats and breath-taking leaps.


Hosted by uCoz